2024-01-16 05:13:07 -

2024-01-06 19:46:10 -

2024-01-22 11:50:05 -

2024-01-10 10:07:16 -

2024-01-18 21:28:47 -
东西还是不错的,药味很浓,效果还可以,坚持用一段时间,希望可以改善颈椎。经常坐办公室,腰疼脖子疼 ,常备保健。

2024-01-06 11:50:12 -

2024-01-16 03:55:17 -
用起来效果还挺 包包变亮很多 而且摸起来很光滑 味道也香香的 挺满意

2024-01-16 05:21:14 -

2024-01-16 01:16:51 -

2024-01-26 14:09:25 -



作者: 華西車城

叮鈴鈴, 叮鈴鈴 …,

凌晨兩點, 床前的鬧鐘開始搖晃了起來。這星期六的鈴聲, 不為催促人們去上班, 它, 卻另有目的。

佳安、海銳翻身下床, 迅速胡亂穿上些衣服, 他們從樓下的沙發上拿了幾個靠背枕頭, 又匆匆抓起兩床薄被。兩人進入車庫, 將這些東西扔進越野車, 隨著車庫門慢慢開啟, 越野車前燈的光束打在了鄰居家的牆上, 有些刺眼。發動機的轟鳴聲開始釋放, 夜幕下, 住宅小區裡的寂靜被打破, 有的人家睡夢被攪醒, 開始傳來狗的叫聲, 顯得有些突然。海銳駕車衝出車庫, 在小區內的公路上七彎八拐, 須臾便到出口, 越野車很快消失在夜幕之中, 住宅區又歸於靜謐。


彎彎的新月掛在天邊, 非常清晰而明亮。旁邊, 高速路上, 偶爾有輛汽車在飛馳, 城區的路上幾乎看不見車輛, 路燈慘淡的燈光下, 樹木、花鳥似乎仍在安睡。越野車一路向北, 漸漸遠離城市, 路燈也越來越稀, 然後就只剩下越野車燈雪白的光柱和周圍的一片漆黑, 佳安和海銳開始了他們並非秘密的流星雨之旅。

兩天前, 佳安聽到一個有關流星雨的報導, Camelopardalids, 卡梅羅帕達利茲流星將要光顧這裡, 二十四日凌晨兩點到四點, 是北美地區幾十年來難得的最佳觀賞時段。據科學家推算, 這兩小時的高峰期將有二百多顆流星出現, 平均每分鐘就會有數顆流星之多, 這是難得的憑肉眼也能觀測的好機會, 是任何科學家及天文愛好者都不願錯過的。

佳安和海瑞, 設好鬧鐘, 深夜出行, 正是為了這流星雨。他們不是天文科學家, 甚至連天文愛好者都算不上, 為何也要湊這熱鬧?

答案既簡單又復雜, 你是否還有顆年青的心?讀過瓊瑤小說嗎?有沒有憧憬過夏日夜晚躺在草地上, 仰望星空談情說愛的浪漫時光?理由就在這些問題的答案之中。

原本觀賞流星雨的計劃並沒有太浪漫的成分, 佳安和海銳在朋友的周末聚會上, 與大家分享了流星雨的消息, 邀請大家一同觀賞, 所以它不算是秘密。

然而, 他們得到的回應並不熱烈, 也許朋友們的浪漫都太成熟了, 也許已經不再天真, 或者浪漫的方式已經進化。總之, 沒有人響應聽起來誘人的流星雨之夜。如果到年青人當中去提議, 或者到上世紀七八十年代的大學生中去提議呢, 甚至回到文化大革命之前的五六十年代呢, 結果會不會有所不同。像這樣的事情, 講與時俱進大概應該是行不通的。

無論如何, 佳安和海銳還是童心未滅, 不甘天真被枯萎, 兩人世界的浪漫, 因為緊張的工作和各種瑣事, 已經久違了。他們要去看流星雨, 要去找回那個屬於他們的兩人世界, 要想知道自己近三十年的婚姻究竟丟失了哪些東西, 究竟還保存了些什麼呢。

為了這次行動, 海銳事前細心選擇了兩處觀賞地點。條件是不要離家太遠, 還必須要離開城鎮的燈光。

北面離家約五六公里的丘陵地帶, 一處地勢較高還可以算得“曠野”的地方, 有一個還在新建的高檔住宅區, 由於前幾年的經濟低迷, 這片足有上百英畝已經開發的土地, 除了道路全部完工以外, 僅建有兩棟豪宅, 周圍的樹木已經被移去別處, 小山之巔, 視野遼闊, 是理想的流星雨觀賞之地。

十來分鐘以後, 越野車按計劃到達, 有點意外的是, 這裡又有幾棟新完工的和正在興建的豪宅, 在這廣驁沃野之上, 並勿礙觀瞻。

佳安和海銳的越野車悄悄進入這片領地, 在雪白燈柱的引領下, 沿住宅區的小路緩緩前行, 他們在選擇最佳視角。

不久, 他們的車頭向北對準了北極星, 在小區最高處越野車停了下來。關掉引擎和車燈以後, 四周一片漆黑, 仰望星空, 天高無雲, 繁星點點。佳安和海銳躺在車裡, 一個西窗, 一個東窗, 等待事發, 瞪著兩雙大大的眼睛, 只等著天上流星雨的出現。


不知過了多久, 一道雪白的車燈從越野車後背直射過來, 晃得人眼什麼都看不見, 海銳費勁地透過反光後視鏡, 隱約看見越野車後面有紅藍交替的車頂燈閃耀著。仍然寂靜的黑夜裡, 它顯得那麼地刺眼。不等回過神來, 車窗邊有人敲著玻璃。

“半夜三更黑燈瞎火, 你們在這里幹什麼?”

只見一位身著制服的警察, 一手按著腰間的手槍, 一手邊敲著車窗問到。







海銳按照要求將他們遞出車窗。不知警察是否也知道今晚流星雨的天象, 他內心想問, 卻沒開口。


警察轉身回到後面的警車裡, 他開始查對海銳的證件。





兩人的浪漫心境, 應該是被這突如其來的盤查給攪合了。坐在車裡靜靜的等待, 也許此時天外的流星正悄悄劃過夜空, 佳安海銳全然不知。

又過了幾分鐘, 警察回到他們跟前, 雪白的警燈似乎暗了些。

“最近, 有人報案, 這片工地上失竊很多工具。 你們深更半夜的行為實在可疑, 我們不得不查。”




“我在此守候大半夜了, 什麼流星都沒看到。”



在警察打算離開前, 海銳忙問:


“我不反對, 不過我們還有兩個同事, 今晚也在此地巡邏, 你的名字已經輸入電腦裡, 他們應該不會有問題的。”

說完, 警察驅車離去。


給警察這麼一鬧, 佳安顯然沒了心情。

“警察都查過了, 沒有關係的。”





海銳妥協了, 發動引擎, 越野車離開高坡, 轉彎出了這塊寶地。


第二觀察點離此地並不太遠, 那是一個教堂前面的停車場, 空蕩蕩的停車場也很開闊, 越野車靜靜地駛入, 海銳找好一個車位, 對準北方, 關了車燈, 搖下車窗, 將頭伸出車外, 努力辨別著星空。

佳安告訴海銳說, 今晚流星雨應該出現的方位是大熊星座附近。

大熊星座(Ursa Major,Uma), 是北方天空中最明亮、最重要的星座之一, 著名的北斗七星就在這個星座裡。一、二、三、四……數著數著, 很快發現了大熊星座的天樞、天璇、天璣、玉衡、開陽和搖光那六顆二等星。

“我眼睛不好, 勺狀的北斗七星還差一顆在哪裡。”


“很明顯呀, 就是第四顆不太亮而已嘛。”


海銳盯著北天使勁看, 終於也發現了天權這顆三等星。接下來, 就是發現北極星, 再就是小熊星座和仙女星座, 藉著難得的好天氣, 很快就給星空定了位, 然後耐心等待流星的出現。

晴朗的天空下觀賞美麗星星, 實屬一種享受, 除卻凡世的嘈雜, 心靈顯得純淨, 便可產生無限遐想。

關於北斗七星, 西臘神話是這樣講述的:

有一位女神, 叫凱莉絲杜(Callisto), 溫柔而且美麗, 天神宙斯(Zeus)非常喜歡她, 經過百般追求, 後來生下一個兒子, 名叫阿爾卡斯(Arcas), 善妒的天后赫拉(Hera), 知道這件事後勃然大怒, 將凱莉絲杜變成了一隻大母熊, 然後趕進森林裡。自幼失母的阿爾卡斯, 長大後成為一個相當出色的獵人, 但是他並不知道母親的遭遇, 有一天赫拉又令命運之神安排阿爾卡斯與母熊媽媽在森林裡碰面, 母親看見思念多年的兒子, 興奮之馀忘了自己已經變成大熊, 情不自禁的奔向阿爾卡斯, 而阿爾卡斯以為大熊要傷害他, 立即舉箭要射殺牠, 正當弒母大錯即將造成之際, 宙斯突破愧疚與膽怯心結, 將阿爾卡斯也變成了一隻小熊, 並將它們安置於天上, 成為大熊星座和小熊星座, 讓它們母子永遠在一起。

但故事並未結束, 天后仍不罷休, 她借眾神之力將大、小熊星座趕到北極附近, 硬要它們無分晝夜繞著北極旋轉, 永遠不得片刻安寧, 而天空中其他星座, 在一天中有一半時間可以沈入海底休息。


中國古稱北斗七星為北斗神君, 俗諺有南斗註生, 北斗注死, 認為北斗神君掌握人的生死大權, 傳說彭祖就是向北斗乞壽因此才有活了八百歲的神話。又相傳北斗本有九星, 其中兩顆星深藏於鬥中, 是玉皇大帝元神所在, 不易被人看見, 若有人看見即能延年增壽。傳說漢朝相國霍光家裡有一個僕人, 有一天看到北斗七星的鬥杓內有兩顆亮星, 他虔誠地跪拜, 因此增加了六百歲的壽命。

看著想著, 海銳眼前一亮, 一道明亮的弧線劃過玉衡開陽之間, 瞬間消失在茫茫夜空。

“快看, 流星, 流星!”


佳安趕快將頭湊過來, 顯然來不及了, 錯過了這顆。佳安沒有準備好, 她心裡想到流星雨要浪漫得多, 很多圖片和影視鏡頭中的流星雨, 絢麗多姿, 不該這麼難以捕捉, 它們像是國慶禮花般, 從天上瀉下等待人們觀賞。

夜幕重歸寂靜, 一切重新開始, 海銳和佳安又開始新一輪等待。

開啟的車窗, 寒風慢慢降低著車內的溫度, 佳安爬到後座, 將薄被拖來裹在身上, 邊等邊打開隨身攜帶的iPad. 黑夜裡, iPad顯得如此明亮又晃眼。

“關掉! 影響看流星。”

海銳嚷嚷起來, 頭都沒有縮回車內。

“快看, 又來一顆。”


這次流星斜著飛過玉衡天璣, 從生到亡, 不過一秒來鐘。漫漫人生, 若以宇宙來測量, 何嘗不似劃過夜空的流星呢, 即使發光, 要給後人留下印像, 也是不容易的事情。今晚沒有看見的流星, 並不是沒有發光, 只是不被發現而已。


時鐘接近凌晨四點, 科學家預測的流星高峰期將要結束, 佳安海銳倦意開始襲來, 商議後他們決定打道回府, 剩下的時間, 還夠睡個回籠覺。

越野車悄悄地駛回, 新月還掛在天邊, 佳安海銳的流星雨之夜即將結束, 自打相識, 這種兩人情調的夜晚屈指可數, 就因如此, 也更能深深存儲在記憶當中。

新月、越野、警察、流星、回籠覺 ……

They are the only shoes hubby wears. He really likes them.
- Switzerland

Love these shoes.They also fit me perfectly..Will continue to order
- Switzerland

They arrived quickly and as described.... I like the comfort and the colors....
- Singapore

FAST shipping, product as advertised and on my feet as I type this !No issues 100% happy.
- Singapore

I buy these for my husband. He has two colors. No problems and quality is consistent! Last a long time!
- Guam

I ordered these for my husband who needed black shoes for work. He says they are very comfortable and fit perfectly!
- Singapore

I have flat feet so I need a shoe that doesn't have a large arch for me this is why I buy this sneakers, I can tell you good quality.
- Singapore

My husband has wore this brand for awhile now. We normally got them from JC Penney's but found them on for a lower price. Happy with the purchase.
- Singapore

This is about the 4th time that I have purchased these shoes. The other purchases were done from Penneys. They no longer appear to carry my size (square feet) in stock.
- Singapore

Bought these shoes for my husband who is very tall and very large feet. He wears them all the time..I may have to buy a few more pairs very soon. No complaints with these shoes, they are comfortable, stylish and well made.
- Guam

2024-01-12 08:58:18--
Good sound quality, comfortable to wear and easy to use. Logistics is very fast, and it is delivered from overseas warehouses in the United States.

2024-01-12 08:57:45--
I received the headphones, which are of good quality, consistent with the store description, clear and pleasant sound, comfortable to wear, and worth buying!

2024-01-12 08:57:04--
I bought it and tried it directly. The connection is smooth. The sound quality of the headset is good. The music is very exciting. The video is very smooth. I like it.

2024-01-12 08:55:49--
Excellent quality and great sound! I use these in the gym daily and they work great. Pairing was simple and changing the song is easy as well. Battery life is also great. A++ service from the seller.

2024-01-12 08:55:39--
Good workmanship, cool appearance and good quality. The headphones are comfortable and light to wear, and the sound is clear. The sound of playing games is very good and smooth, and the microphone is clear.

2024-01-12 08:53:31--
The workmanship is very light, and the box is very small, which is very suitable for carrying. Do not occupy space. The voice quality and sound effect of the call is very clear, and the other party can hear it clearly, without any noise. Apart from no noise reduction function, it's very easy to use. Overall, I felt it was good. It was not easy to fall out. The endurance was very good. 80% of the battery was still available after half a day. It was OK. The goods are cheap, beautiful and affordable

2024-01-12 08:53:16--
Looks very real sound cancellation works and everything else does as well

2024-01-12 08:49:40--
good no complaints

2024-01-12 08:46:49--
only thing that was of was the tongue

2024-01-12 08:46:18--
Quality better than expected.Very Satisfied

2024-01-12 08:45:43--
Very happy with my purchase and the quality is good for the price paid.

2024-01-04 19:04:22--
Receive the goods can't wait to put on, fabrics are very comfortable to wear, recommended to buy,

2024-01-04 19:00:05--
Perfect comfortable and well made

2024-01-04 18:56:39--
This is one of those you get what you pay for moments. After two days of wearing the decals started to come off. This is by far the most disappointing shoes I’ve gotten from this seller.

2024-01-04 18:53:24--
Good quality true to size came in about two weeks then converter box still really good I will definitely be purchasing from this seller again!!

2024-01-04 18:53:08--
This is now my second pair of 12s I've purchased from this seller and I'm very happy overall they look, feel, fit like real 12s and can't be beat for the price only complaint now having bought two pairs would be there's a slight inconsistency in the rear tab and tongue but other than that these are amazing reps for the price.

2024-01-04 18:52:50--
Wish they came with the box should’ve packaged a lil bit better but not bad over the only flaw is how it is packaged

2024-01-04 18:52:20--
Perfect. Identical to the shops - and I mean identical! Buy with no hesitation

2024-01-04 18:51:49--
As advertised

2024-01-04 18:51:37--
Not bad at all 👍

2024-01-04 18:51:07--
Great seller

2024-01-04 18:50:53--
Love these shoes😍

2024-01-04 18:50:49--
Every comfortable

2024-01-04 18:49:58--
Great seller love these shoes

2024-01-04 18:48:26--
Awesome shoes!!!! Fit perfect as described!

2024-01-04 18:45:44--
Amazing quality and arrived quickly. Seller replied quickly with any issues I had.

2024-01-04 18:45:28--
These were great. I ordered a pair for each of my kids. They loved them. Would order from again.

2024-01-04 18:44:21--
I am very satisfied with very high quality tennis, the shipping um little delayed but everything came very BN. I wanted to place a photo of the tennis but there were problems when you upload the photo. Thank you very much 😎

2024-01-04 18:43:46--
Amazing quality fast shipping best seller on here🔥🔥

2024-01-04 18:43:21--
Shipped to me in 2 weeks looks exactly like the shoe in the store. Will definitely order again

2024-01-04 18:43:14--
Thought it would have took longer but it didn’t plus it looks awesome very comfortable real out of this world

2024-01-04 18:41:20--
Looks amazing and first purchase on that came with a box, looks identical and is so comfortable

2024-01-04 18:40:38--

2024-01-04 18:39:44--
Item looks great!

2024-01-04 18:39:29--
nice and good seller

2024-01-04 18:39:09--
perfect condition thanks

2024-01-04 18:38:09--
I received it, I really like it

2024-01-04 18:36:23--
I love it , fast shipping and like pictures

2024-01-04 18:36:20--
My son love these shoes...fast Shipping

2024-01-04 18:35:49--
Very good quality. Item exactly as described

2024-01-04 18:33:02--
They are very nice quality, they are just like the real shoe and there a good fit (true to size)

2024-01-04 09:22:25--
The glasses are comfortable, very clear and worth buying.

2024-01-04 09:20:49--
This is my second pair, I love these! So comfortable, feels sturdy, and the etching on the frames looks great. Great price too. I lost my first pair in the ocean and repurchased them right away. Fast shipping too.

2024-01-04 09:20:17--
They came fast they are just like my real ones you canamp;apos;t tell a difference I will order again m great communication

2024-01-04 09:19:11--
Great shoes

2024-01-04 09:18:25--
Good quality. very satisfied.

2024-01-04 09:16:40--
Gandaa! Case with just a little dirt haha ​​so maybe the profit

2024-01-04 09:16:19--
Beautiful, small size but very well made

2024-01-04 09:14:53--
Perfect good product

2024-01-04 09:08:04--
Super beautiful, just like the photo! The internal standard on the bag is identical to the original. The packaging is very good. They put the things in the bags and maintain their shape during transportation. The seller is very responsive and great. They answered the question before I made the purchase, and she confirmed my choice after I made the purchase. Will purchase from the seller again.

2024-01-04 09:06:31--

2024-01-04 09:05:57--
Really good! Looks exactly like the original

2024-01-04 09:05:10--
Super fast to the UK! This is the thicker bangle that Cartier do. Don’t order this one if you want the thinner bangle.

2024-01-04 09:04:39--
Reliable, good quality product, reasonable price, very satisfied

2024-01-04 09:03:56--
These shoes are super cute and comfortable! I am in love with them!

2024-01-04 09:03:44--
Very happy with this. Item looks great! Impressed With the quality, looks very authentic.

2024-01-04 09:00:51--
Good sound quality, fast connection and easy operation.

2024-01-04 08:59:06--
The sound is clear, the sound quality is quite good, and it is comfortable to wear.

2024-01-04 00:04:13--
Strap/handle is made of vinyl not sure it will hold up very good. Not my favorite item.

2024-01-04 00:02:41--
It looks so good! Took 3 weeks to ship. Seller responded really quick

Displaying 1 to 60 (of 811 reviews)

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